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Where We Overlap

David Buttram
Kacey Gill
Jacques P. Jackson
Joyce Morrow Jones
Crystal Miller
Younghyeon Ryu
Lauren Sylvia
Derek Walker
Aaron D. Williams

Apr 29-Jun 5, 2022

Where We Overlap

Presented in partnership w/ Museum of Creative Human Art and moCa Cleveland

Where We Overlap asks, “Have you experienced an artist’s technical process? Ideation process? The research that goes behind the work or the tools that contribute to it? How many studio visits have you attended lately?” It’s amazing that we attend our peers’ exhibitions and sometimes hear them discuss the meaning behind a piece while at these shows but how engaged are we when it comes to their studio practice?

With this exhibition, we have brought a selection of artists together to collaborate amongst each other. Paired off in groups, artists work together creating pieces that unified their skillsets. Though the artists paired may have different approaches to how they execute specific styles, topics, mark, color, etc., they come together and learn from each other to make masterpieces.

Here is the result!

Davon Brantley, Curator

Presented in partnership w/

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